Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Helping Wife With Stress

Being the HOH of your household is tough. There is no doubt about it. Just ask me and I will tell you. But when the wife is stressing out be it parents, children, work, or gasp us, it is hard to maintain that equilibrium that we so desire in our relationship because when she is stressed out our world definitely goes out of whack.

There are several tools at our disposal, some good and some bad. The bad would be you pretending it isn’t happening and putting your head in the sand. If you are doing this please turn in your HOH card at the front door. You could spank her hoping to reset her or at least make her forget about her problems because her butt is on fire. This could help but then when her butt cooled down you would probably have double trouble because she will be ticked off at you. You could go back to your old ways and holler at her. But, as you have figured out by now, none of these are good options or very wise moves at all.

So let us talk about how to help our wonderful wives to get back to her happy and sassy (fun) self. The first step it to just jump in with both feet, come right out and ask her what is stressing her out. Sit down with her and grab your favorite beverage and just plain talk about what is bugging her. Don’t be the fix it guy.There will be time for that later. Just sit and try to find out what is making her stressed out and is driving her nuts. Try to figure out what the stress triggers are then you will be able to come up with a plan to help her.

Encourage her to give up some unnecessary sources of stress like not accepting to help at church, charity functions, and just helping people out because she does not have the word no in her vocabulary. Bobbie is this way if someone asks her to help she is all for it and then she gets in over her head. It then spills into our household. Make sure you explain to her why you are limiting her to certain tasks. Make sure you’re available so she can talk to you when she has a stress attack and actually listen to her.

Take up some of the slack like some of the daily chores, cooking, watching the kids and if you are capable of it, do the laundry. Make a list of things that she absolutely has to have done and let everything else go. Convince her to take one task on at a time and not to do any more until she has that one done. Point out to her when she starts to stress out and show her kindly where she is starting to unravel.

Arrange for your wife to have quiet, solitary time. Take everyone out of the house for a few hours, or arrange it so that she can go off on her own for a while. Treat her to a day to the spa to have her nails done a massage perhaps.

Do things together. Go for a walk, go to the park, to the movies, go to the gym make it fun to see who can lose the most weight in a week, month. What better way to enjoy watching your spouses better ASSests than having them in front of you for 30 min or more working those Maximus Glutinous and just be close to her. Try enjoyable relaxing activities with your wife. Take a yoga or tai chi class, or treat yourselves to a few massage therapy sessions. Listen to soothing music, play board games with each other, or read together. Do what you can to help your wife get enough restful sleep.

Establish a weekly date night with your wife. Go out together for dinner, a movie, a visit with friends or another enjoyable activity. Or, arrange for the kids to be out of the house overnight and have your date at home.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you Renee Rose

      Glad you liked it


  2. Bob would you please teach HOH classes to my husband?

    1. Hi Viota Did Marzo

      LOL just have him read the article that would save you book fees


  3. Great advice...you can't always 'fix' stress. I love that you not only said be there for her...you offered some great suggestions.
    hugs abby

  4. Hi Bob, this is great! Some excellent suggestions, thank you :)


    1. Hello Roz

      Thank you for coming to read and post on my site


  5. Hi bob,
    You have very great suggestions. I would love to hear your input on how we can help when the man is stressed out.

    1. Hi Kim

      Ok I will write one for the guys it might be up in a week or so thanks for the suggestion


  6. And notice something she does every day, as a routine part of taking care of the household, and tell her how much you appreciate it. Little things like that make a big difference. :)

    1. Hello governingana

      Yes little thing like say I appreciate what you do for me goes along way.


  7. Replies
    1. Thank you Rose for commenting on my blog and your kind words


  8. Good suggestions all. Me thinks you might have had some experience with these types of things.

    1. Hi sunnygirl

      It has taken me many many years to learn this and I am sad to say I have to relearn some of it on a weekly bases


  9. Dear Bob!
    I never thought I would say this - that I will say now - in my entire life.

    Hmm ...... Bob, you are right!
    Ok, now it's written and it was less painful than I thought .... lol ...

    Very well written.
    Many greetings to Bobbie from me.

    1. Hi Mona

      Did you know I had to read this 3 times to make sure I didn't misinterpret what you were saying to me?
      Then when I made sure what I read was true I called all 4 of my friends and bragged about it and then I went to the store to frame it then put it on the wall so I can read it every day that you said something nice to me roflol.
      See it didn't hurt that much did it? still chuckling


  10. Thank you, Bob. I think I will point my husband to this post...I think he could could benefit from it...or uh, I would :)

    1. Hello Marie

      I hope he can impart some help from this post and that you can benefit from his newly learned skills.


  11. lovely, bob! sign me up for all of that. :)


    1. Hello Maryanne

      You more than welcome to stay and take what ever you find useful


  12. Figuring out the stress triggers...that is huge!

    1. Hello Susie

      Now we have to keep an eye out for the stressors so we can fix it before it blows out of proportion.


  13. This is lovely. All of the little things truly do help. :-)

    1. Hi Trep

      I am finding out a happy wife equals a happy husband. LOL who would ever thought of something like that.


  14. Replies
    1. Hi Belle

      Thank you for coming to leave a comment on the post


  15. I like the way you think Bob! Great suggestions for hubby :)

    1. Thank you Queenie for stopping by and leaving a comment


  16. Bob, these are great, and really get to the underlying matter. I do find a spanking does help, but the problems only resurface.and so do my stress levesl, if the things that caused them are not dealt with as well. Thank you for sharing. :)

    1. Hi there ES May

      How true if we can find the heart of the problem we could eliminate it.

