Sunday, February 24, 2013

Women talking more than men

Did you know that women talk more than men? Yep as hard at it is to believe it’s true. Even my great HOH power of observation noticed that after living 38 yrs with Bobbie talking to me and listening to her talk on the phone with her girlfriends that she talks way more than  me or any of our male friends.  
Now scientist think they have proof that women talk 3 times more than men. Can you believe it?  You can read it here
Still doubt it? Look at all the blogs that you read. Who runs most of them? Yes women do. Now there is no way of me knowing what the ratio is but it’s got be at least 3 to 1 and look at the volume of information that is on their blog sites compared to men’s. It’s mind boggling. Us men can’t even begin to compete writing more than you woman unless it’s a technical manual or telling someone how to fix a problem.

Now before I get a ton of replies demanding my head on a platter or worse, the reason I wrote this is because I thought it was funny that someone paid a lot of money for this research only to come up with a statement that women talk more than men. I would have liked the money to go to the research of how to get Bobbie to like spanking more than she does now, now that would be money well spent (LOL) and the last reason is this gave me a chance to say how much I appreciate all of you gals who write at times daily on your thoughts, fantasies, triumphs and disappointments on your blog. It reminds me how precious Bobbies gift is to me.



  1. Hi Bob!

    Glad to see you back! How are you guys feeling?
    Yes we talk way more.... My hubby's eyes have been known to glaze over when I get to verbose!

    As to getting Bobbie to like spanking more...Practice??

    1. Hello Minelle.
      We are well on our way of recovering from our aliments.
      When Bobbie goes on a talking spree my eyes glaze over to :)
      In another week i will be back to spanking her more, oh happy days for me.


  2. Oh Bob you, or these researchers, could have just spent a day with Nick and me they could surely have saved their money! I like words - written or spoken, Nick uses very few.

    So to get Bobbie liking it more, you use any implements yet? The dogging bat is fun for beginners and old timers alike! Keep those fun swats and pats coming. Listen to her - incorporate her fantasy into some of these things. And have her read blogs and comment if she'd like. We'd love to get to know her too.


    1. PK
      No I didn't waste any money on this experiment because I already knew the answer.
      We are doing as you have suggested but there are times when I get antsy because I want to spank her a bit harder, but she is not ready for it yet.


  3. Hi Bob...just found you through Minelle. I have commented on my blog and to cracks me up what type of stupidity big business and government will pay to have 'researched'. Wonder how we hit any of those bucks? LOL

    I'm a spankno so I have no advise for getting Bobbie to like spankings more...sorry. ;)


    1. Welcome Cat to my blog.
      If I ever get a grant for doing something like that I definitely will call you all so we all can get some of that money. LOL.

      As for Bobbie, she has come a long way from not liking to get spanked to liking light spankings so there is still hope there as long as I don't push her to far.


  4. Women talk more than men??? You don't say! :-) Yes, probably no research needed to be done further on that...there is evidence everywhere. :-) Take care, Terpsichore

  5. Welcome Terpsichore.

    I always thought it was the men that alked more who would have LOL.
    I wish I had the money they wasted on this study


  6. Minelle sent me over. I guess Welcome is way past due.
    I've added you to my list so I'll know when you post.

    We do talk a lot. I have one friend who can get on the phone and actually delete my battery. Sometimes, shame on me, I put down the phone and she doesn't even realize it. I love her though - I just can't stand being on the phone that long.

    What PK says - just keep at it. Get her to help you write a story.

    Comment more on other sites and that's a way to get more traffic. People have to know you're here.

    See you soon.

  7. Thanks for the warm welcome Sunnygirl
    I can't imagine talking on the phone that long
    Bobbie does all of my proof reading when I write so she is kind of active.
    Ihave been sugesting that she comments on this blog but so far she hassaid not now, so there may behope yet WEG


  8. You've just been listed on Bonnie's! (My Bottom Smarts) I bet you'll see a truckload of traffic soon. Best wishes to you...oh, and thanks for visiting my blog! Glad to meet someone new. Minelle has been talking you up to everyone. :)

    1. Thank you for the heads up and the warm welcome Anastasia.
      I am amazed that Minelle has taken me under her wing and is telling so many blogers about me.
      It looks like I am going to have to allocate more time to bloging :)


  9. Greetings found you from a different blog. My advise is more erotic spankings that's what worked for me and more swats during the day. Good luck

  10. Glad to meet you Cathie alias Cookiemonster.
    Cool name love it :)
    Bobbie was getting a lot of attention before we both got sick.
    It will be starting again soon. And then let the game begin. woho
    Do you have a blog other than Google+? If so I would like to read it if it's ok with you.

